Dos and Don'ts - Important Pink Succulents Care Tips - Two Peas In A Condo (2024)

One houseplant that can spruce up your space is a Pink Succulent. It is tropical, easy to care for, and well-loved among the community of plant enthusiasts worldwide.

Everything that you’ll need to know on how to raise your Pink Succulent will be discussed in this detailed care guide. Read on to know more about this plant’s interesting characteristics and where you can buy one for yourself!

What Are Pink Succulents?

Pink Succulents come in many sizes, shapes, forms, textures, and attractive hues from the pink spectrum. They are easy to care for and cultivate, just like the green varieties.

Succulents, in general, are a collection of plants that can store water in their leaves, stems, and roots. Their often oval-shaped leaves appear thick, plump, and fleshy due to their water retaining ability. Drought-resistant, these plants have adapted well to survive and thrive in arid conditions.

Low precipitation and high temperatures have made these plants hardy and adaptable. There are even some pink varieties that are found near dry lakes and sea coasts. Conditions usually detrimental to other plants’ growth are normal, even preferable, for these plants.

Succulents and Cacti

Succulents and Cacti are often grouped in nurseries, causing surprise or confusion when one turns out to be the other as it grows. You must remember that cacti, a subset of the succulent group, have a hairy or pricky coating and rarely have any leaves.

Origin And Family

The deserts, mountainous regions, and rainforests of South Africa, the Far East, and Central and South America are home to these beautiful succulents. Pink Succulents have become a popular indoor plant in recent years, thriving in most households that give it plenty of sunlight.

Christopher Columbus was believed to be the first to discover this fascinating plant in the 15th century. He is said to be one of the first explorers to take a cacti plant and present it to Queen Isabella of Spain. Following his discovery, explorer Vasco De Gama was believed to discover succulents in India and Southwest Africa.

As more expeditions were launched, new varieties and species were found, and interest grew, even centuries later. Today, collection and cultivation are still happening, but some succulents and cacti are nearing vulnerability to extinction due to habitat loss and poaching. Some were even regulated by the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

Fortunately, growing, cultivation, and care practices have been established over the years to help conserve these fascinating plants.

Where To Buy

You can check with your local florist or nursery if you want to buy Pink Succulents. However, there are usually better deals and broader selections at online sites like Etsy.

In terms of pricing, the very affordable costs of this plant are between $5 and $20.

Dos and Don'ts - Important Pink Succulents Care Tips - Two Peas In A Condo (1)

Pink Succulents Plant Size

When grown as a houseplant, the Pink Succulents grow up to 3-6 inches and spread to a width of 3-6 inches. They grow fast and thrive when kept near a south-facing window.

Pink Succulents Care Needs

Pink Succulents are not difficult to care for. They can thrive almost everywhere and require little care. However, while admiringly hardy, there are still some things you’d need to do to keep it growing to its maximum potential. The Pink Succulents, when grown indoors, love bright sunlight and prefer dry soil to thrive. They also need less watering and soil that drains well.

Water your Pink Succulent of choice when the soil has dried out entirely or every 14-21 days. To properly hydrate the soil, make sure your pot has good drainage. Do not be afraid to drench the soil during watering schedules thoroughly. As for the light requirements, this lovely plant will do best in bright light.

Learn about your plant’s more specific and in-depth care needs below!

Care Difficulty

These Pink Succulents are generally easy to care for. The amount of light and well-draining soil are the most important considerations for this beauty.

Growth Rate

When grown indoors, the Pink Succulents plant grows to 3-6 inches, growing the fastest during early spring and summer.

Check out these succulents you never have to water! Made with resin, rocks/sand, and glass pots. #succulents #decoration #paperweight #fakeplant #goth #colorful #cute #handmade #resinart #resin #art #artist #SmallBusiness #red #orange #purple #pink #black #green

— Eades_Beads (@EadesBeads) August 12, 2022


Pink Succulent plants want good drainage, and small-sized plastic, terracotta, or clay pots with drainage holes work fine. These plants are meant to be the center of attention, with their beautiful pink hues and cute little leaves or stems. So, it’s also a good idea to find pots that can level with these plants’ appeal.


Moving your Pink Succulents into a bigger pot allows more space for its roots to expand. Typically, repotting should be done at the start of its growing season.

You’d want to repot this tropical plant every two years. When filling the new pot, replacing old nutrient-deficient soil with a fresh batch of cacti and citrus potting soil is ideal.


Regarding the growing medium for Pink Succulents, cacti and citrus potting soil is your best bet. Perlite, pine bark, pumice, coarse sand, coco coir, or rinsed gravel are also ideal for the soil. Aeration and drainage are a must for this plant which is easy to care for.

Here are some excellent growing medium options to choose from:


You’ll want to aim for an acidic pH between 5.5 and 6.5. Cacti and citrus potting soil will have a pH level close to this range, so you shouldn’t worry too much.

If you see some problems with your plant, you could conduct a pH test on the soil to check if this is the culprit.


Your Pink Succulents will want the soil to stay dry between watering schedules. Feel the soil with your finger and inspect when the soil has dried out completely. When this is the case, fully drench your plant until water oozes out of the pot’s bottom.

It’s also a good idea to consider watering according to season. In the spring and summer months, these Pink beauties are drinking up more water as they thrive than during fall and winter when they are in their resting beauty phase. You can test out the soil then, and when the top 2-3 inches have dried out, it’s time to give them some water.

Overwatering is one of the most widespread causes of indoor plant deaths. If you’re in doubt, it’s usually preferable to underwater than overwater Pink Succulents. To ensure that your plant’s roots aren’t drowned, use well-draining soil and a pot with drainage holes.


  • Drench the leaves. Instead, soak the soil directly, and excess water drains out of the bottom holes.
  • Use spray bottles as misting is known to cause root rots and moldy leaves.


  • Use a pan and place your succulent pot to water it from the bottom.
  • Remove from the pan when the top of the soil is moist.


Coming from the deserts, mountainous regions, and rainforests of Africa, the Far East, and Central and South America, this plant is used to receive bright indirect light. In an indoor setting, at least six hours is the recommended exposure for your Pink Succulents.

If the light is too bright, its leaves can get sunburned. If this happens, move your plant away from the window or use curtains and blinds to filter the light coming in.

On the other hand, if your favorite pink succulent is not getting as much light as it needs, it will lose its beautiful pink color. Move your plant closer to a window or supplement it with grow lights. We recommend the following artificial lighting products:


Plants, just like people, need more food when they are actively growing because they are using up a lot of their energy. This growth spurt generally happens in spring and summer for the Pink Succulents. During this time, you can use a water-soluble fertilizer just once during its growing season.

In the winter, you don’t need to fertilize because plants’ roots usually go dormant in the cold. This means the plant won’t need extra food for growth.

Propagating Pink Succulents

If your Pink Succulents have grown too tall, you may prune back the leaves or stem and set the cuttings aside for propagation! We’ve included step-by-step instructions for several propagation techniques below.

Cuttings by Leaf Removal

1. Collect a cutting. Remove a few leaves by twisting them gently off the plant.

2. Callus off. Securely set aside the cuttings in any clean container or tray. No water or soil needed

3. Let it sit. After five days, check if calluses have formed on the cut end; calluses protect the exposed end from bacteria.

4. Grow roots. Wait for them to grow roots in a couple of weeks.

5. Plant. When roots finally form, plant them in the well-draining soil of your choice. We recommend planting them in a sunny spot early morning or late afternoon when the sun’s rays are not too intense.

6. Water and fertilize. Water sparingly the next day and gently press down the soil. You can also fertilize it with succulent fertilizer.

Pink Embers. my crested Echeveria Aurora via /r/succulents

— Airton jobs. César (@AirtonJobs) August 9, 2022

Cuttings by Beheading

Beheading is best recommended for Pink Succulents that have grown too tall and spindly.

  1. Behead. Cut off the head of the plant from the lengthy stem, leaving about an inch of it attached. Dry it out in a clean container or tray. No watering is needed.
  2. Let sit. After five days, check if calluses have formed on the cut end. Calluses protect the exposed end from bacteria.
  3. Grow roots. Wait for them to grow roots in a couple of weeks.
  4. Plant. When roots finally form, plant them in the well-draining soil of your choice. We recommend planting them in a sunny spot early morning or late afternoon when the sun’s rays are not too intense.
  5. Water and fertilize. Water sparingly the next day and gently press down the soil. You can also fertilize it with succulent fertilizer.


For the Pink Succulents propagation method known as division, you separate the tropical plant at the roots – making two Pink Succulents plants.

You can divide the stem clusters of your Pink Succulents by following these steps:

1. Dig it up. Take the plant from its container. The natural divisions are pretty straightforward.

2. Pull apart. With your fingers, gently separate the Pink Succulents at the root. You may need to use pruners or shears to cut any tangled roots.

3. Repot. Plant each section of the Pink Succulents in new pots filled with the same soil they’re used to.

Humidity And Aeration

Your Pink Succulents need moderate humidity between 40% or higher for rich-colored leaves and lush growth.

If you are concerned about humidity or notice browning edges on your plant leaves, you can buy a humidifier and install it near your plants. This supplement will significantly improve the health of your plant.


Your Pink Succulents will prosper in a temperate area, so keep the temperature between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

This tropical houseplant, like other succulent plants, prefers consistent temperatures all year. When watering your plant, avoid using hot or cold water. Keep it away from heat and cold sources (such as furnaces and vents) (such as open windows during the winter).


Unfortunately, the Pink Succulents are toxic to pets (including cats and dogs) and humans. If ingested, you may expect the following symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, or general pain. In most circ*mstances, this plant is not considered dangerous.


Pests, Diseases, And Other Problems

The Pink Succulent is a plant resistant to several bugs, issues, and diseases. Here are some tips and tricks to prevent or treat these common problems:

Spider Mites

Spider mites are an unwanted but widespread problem on houseplants, particularly in Pink Succulents. Spider mite damage initially appears as little brown or yellow dots on your plant’s leaves. You might notice fine, sticky webs crawling with red bugs when there is a severe infestation.

Start by thoroughly washing every nook and cranny of your Pink Succulents to expel the spider mites. This must be done on a sink, in a tub, or outside. If it doesn’t work, you can suffocate the spider mites using insecticidal soap, neem oil, or horticultural oil.

If you have more plants in your home, you might need to quarantine your sick plants while you’re controlling the spider mite population.

White Flies

Whiteflies, soft-bodied winged insects, may be drawn to the Pink Succulents. While adult whiteflies are normally harmless, they will lay eggs that will hatch into larvae that will eat the leaves of your plant.

Some pesticides are effective against whiteflies at all stages of development, but pick one that is safe to use indoors. Here are some alternatives we recommend:

Horticultural oil, neem oil, or insecticidal soap are great organic alternatives too!

Scale Insects

Scale insects may appear as bumps on your Pink Succulents’ stems or foliage. Once they’ve latched onto a plant, these small bugs, which might be green, gray, brown, or black in appearance, normally stay inactive.

If the infestation isn’t too terrible, you can dissuade scale insects from infecting your plant by adding a teaspoon of neem oil in four glasses of water. Spray the plant aggressively with a spray bottle.

Neem oil and horticultural oils may not eliminate the pests but will certainly cause some damage to them. Numerous insecticide sprays against scales are considered safe to use indoors.


Aphids are little insects that devour the leaves of your Pink Succulents, causing black and brown patterns.

Apply insecticidal soap or neem oil to get rid of the infestation. In low dosages, dish detergent may also be used to eliminate aphids without harming your plant. Pick a fragrance-free product, such as Ivory Liquid.

First, dilute 1 teaspoon of dish soap in 1 gallon of water, then gradually increase the ratio as appropriate. Spray this solution on your infected plant, carefully examining the underside of the leaves, where aphids are commonly located.

Aeonium pink witch already growing in the dormant season via /r/succulents

— Airton jobs. César (@AirtonJobs) August 2, 2022


Mealybugs may infest your Pink Succulents. These little parasites damage your plant by inserting a feeding tube into the plant tissues and sucking on the sap, and they can eventually weaken or even kill your plant.

Soak a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol to get rid of them, then use its tip to manually remove each mealybug. Neem oil can also be misted on the leaves to suffocate these bugs.

Brown Leaf Tips

Browning edges on the leaves of your Pink Succulents can be stimulated by many factors. Causes include lack of humidity, prolonged exposure to bright light, salt and mineral accumulation from chemically treated tap water, and fertilizer burn.

Drooping Leaves

If you notice drooping leaves on your Pink Succulents, they might be thirsty or require more moisture in the air. If you maintain a humidifier nearby, plant leaves will normally stay fresh and perky for a longer amount of time.

Another cause of downward-curling leaves is overexposure to bright light. In this case, simply move your plant away from the nearest source of light and heat.

Yellow Leaves

If you see yellowing leaves on your Pink Succulents, you might need to consider several factors to determine the culprit:

  • Are you watering your plant too little or too much?
  • Is your plant getting enough light? Did you fertilize your plant recently?
  • Are there sudden changes in the weather?

Of course, bottom leaves that turn yellow can indicate that these desert plants are growing and the leaf’s energy has been spent. In this case, simply pluck off the yellowing leaves so the plant can focus on increasing new green leaves.

Root Rot

Plant root rot can be caused by overwatering, poor drainage, or fungal spores in the soil. Because root rot is difficult to treat, it is essential to be cautious.

The easiest technique to avoid rot in Pink Succulents is to keep the root system away from moist environments constantly. Before watering your plant, always check the soil moisture level. To enable airflow in the roots, use a chunky soil mix. Above all, use a permeable container with drainage holes.

Similar Plants

Love Pink Succulents? Here are some of our favorite Pink Succulents from our succulent collection:

Echeveria Laui

Originally from Oaxaca, Mexico, this sweet little succulent may reach heights of up to six inches and has rosettes that can reach a diameter of up to five inches. The plant’s thick leaves often have a grayish-blue color with a tinge of pink edges. The plant produces exquisite blooms that are peachy-pink hue. A great addition to your succulent garden.

Echeveria Laui prefers dry conditions and well-draining soil. They will require less watering in the late winter than in the spring and summer. They flourish well in direct sunlight but struggle with frost.

Pink Moonstone (Pachyphytum Oviferum)

Another Central Mexico native, the Pink Moonstone succulent, is peachy pink with leaves ranging from pinkish to bluish-lavender. The large leaves are covered in white or silver coating. The plants usually lie flat on the ground or trail from their container since the rosettes are tiny, generally less than four inches in diameter, and the stems can go up to eight inches long.

Pink moonstones thrive in partial sunlight and just enough water. Although they are not highly frost-resistant, they are simple to maintain and grow.

Pink Granite

This fascinating little hybrid is ideal for lovers of everything pastel. Its dense pink leaves and mint green stalks go well with any indoor garden’s color scheme. The diameter of the rosettes can reach up to six inches, while the stems often stand between six and eight inches tall. Like Pink Moonstone, the plant usually lies down or hangs over the side of its container because of the long stem and heavy rosette pattern.

Succulent Pink Granite requires little maintenance and favors intense interior light or twilight. This is also one of the succulents that are pet-safe.

Jelly Bean (Sedum Rubrotinctum)

The name “Jelly Bean” for this plant refers to the form of its plump, cute, and vibrant leaves. It’s also called Aurora by some succulent enthusiasts. Each leaf is green with pink tips and a length of around two centimeters. Although the plant may stretch up to 36 inches, the stems can only reach a maximum height of roughly six inches.

Like other succulents, Jelly Beans can take some neglect. Your plant can thrive with infrequent watering, drainage, and partial sunshine.

Pink Beauty

This gorgeous succulent bears pink flowers in addition to its pink-hued foliage. It has characteristics with other, more typical Jade variety (Ghost plant or Graptopetalum paraguayense, Crassula Pellucida) types, such as robust stems and glossy leaves. Pink beauty may reach a maximum height and width of five feet.

This succulent has pink, star-shaped, scented blooms. The Pink Beauty thrives best in full sun, but it can still thrive in the partial sun if full light is impossible. In particular, throughout the winter, it flourishes with infrequent irrigation. It may be propagated through stem or leaf cuttings.


With its beautiful colors, Pink Succulents are one of the easiest plants to grow and fascinating addition to your home. If you follow our care guide, you’ll be able to grow stunning succulents.

Do you have a Pink Succulent? We want to see it! Please send pictures to [emailprotected], and we might share them on our blog.

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Dos and Don'ts - Important Pink Succulents Care Tips - Two Peas In A Condo (2024)
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