Peace Rose: Plant Care & Growing Guide (2024)

Peace roses are one of the most popularhybrid tea roses. This variety, also known as the Madame A. Meilland cultivar, is appreciated for its hardy nature, double blooms, and beautiful color. This showy rose bush produces large, yellow blooms tipped in soft pink and dark green, glossy leaves. The double blooms have an abundance of petals, and each bloom can reach up to 5 or 6 inches wide. You can expect to see one large flower appear at the end of each stem.

Peace roses make great cut flowers and offer both beauty and a lovely fragrance. In fact, peace roses are so well-loved that they have won awards and have been voted into the Hall of Fame with the World Federation of Rose Societies.

Common NamePeace rose, Rosa peace
Botanical NameRosa ‘Madame A. Meilland
Plant TypePerennial, rose
Mature Size5-6 ft. tall, 3-4 ft. wide
Sun ExposureFull
Soil TypeLoamy, moist but well-drained
Soil pHAcidic, neutral
Bloom TimeSummer, fall
Flower ColorPink, yellow, white
Hardiness Zones5-9 (USDA)
Native AreaEurope

Peace Rose Care

Like other types of roses,caring for tea rosesis widely considered to be a gardener’s challenge. While peace roses still require specific care, these roses are hardy in nature. They require rich, well-worked soil with good drainage, along with consistent watering, and plenty of sunshine.

Common pests include aphids, scale, caterpillars, and spider mites. Common diseases include black spot, powdery mildew, and rust.

Peace Rose: Plant Care & Growing Guide (1)

Peace Rose: Plant Care & Growing Guide (2)

Peace Rose: Plant Care & Growing Guide (3)


Roses thrive in lots of sunshine and require at least 6 hours of sunlight during the growing season. The peace rose can tolerate partially shaded areas, though it may not bloom. For best results, plant in an area with plenty of sunshine.


Rich, loamy soil is ideal for peace roses. A soil pH of acidic to neutral is preferred. Before planting, work the soil well and add generous amounts of compost. This improves drainage and enriches the soil.


Peace roses have average watering needs, so long as the soil drains well. Moist soil is necessary, but too much moisture can cause problems. Check the soil with your index finger or amoisture meter.When the top inch is dry, go ahead and water. This is a plant that needs more water when growing and blooming, (about two inches per week), so it's important to establish a consistent watering schedule. Once the rose stops blooming, cut back and only water when the soil dries out.

Temperature and Humidity

Peace roses are a hardy variety that can be grown within USDA hardiness zones 5 to 9. These roses can handle frost as well as hot temperatures and do best with average humidity levels. Give them some space as good airflow is key to keeping them healthy and preventing moisture-driven fungal diseases.


Like other roses, peace roses thrive in rich, nutrient-dense soil. To provide needed nutrients, amend the soil with compost before planting. Thenapply fertilizerbeginning with the first early spring pruning. Use a fertilizer specifically formulated for roses or a well-balanced, high-quality fertilizer.

Types of Peace Rose

  • Climbing Peace: AA climbing variety reaching up to 20 feet tall, with a similar leaf and bloom appearance as the original peace rose.
  • Chicago Peace: The Chicago peace rose has more vibrantly colored blooms, sporting oranges and pinks. This variety is slightly smaller and only reaches up to 4 feet in height. Each bloom grows to about 5 inches in width and stays open, rather than producing multiple flushes of blooms like the original peace rose.
  • Garden Party: Garden party roses are a light-colored version of the peace rose, mostly consisting of white with hints of light yellow and pink. These blooms reach about 5 inches in width.


Proper pruning is key for growing a healthy rose shrub. It is best toprune rosesin the early spring. To prune yourhybrid tea rose bush, cut away any dead branches and branches crossing and rubbing against each other. Keep the center open for plenty of airflow. Then prune down the longest branches to about 6 inches from the base. Less vigorous branches can be pruned to around 4 inches from the base. This intense pruning encourages new, healthy growth each year.

Because a rose is a grafted plant, suckers should also be removed. This pruning should take place later in the growing season when suckers are easier to identify.

Propagating Peace Rose

Peace rose bushes can be propagated with hardwood cuttings taken in the fall or by chip budding in the summer. Whichever propagation method you choose, gloves will protect you from the thorns. To propagate through hardwood cuttings, you need a sharp pair of snips, a pot of well-draining, sandy soil mix or a jar of water, and rooting hormone. Then follow these instructions:

  1. In the fall, select a branch that is 6 to 12 inches long. Cut below a node at a 45-degree angle.
  2. Remove all but the top set of leaves. Remove any buds or flowers.
  3. Trim the tip of the cutting above the remaining leaves.
  4. Using the snips or a sharp knife, make a slice in the bottom end of the cutting to splay it open.
  5. Dip the splayed end in rooting hormone.
  6. Plant this in sandy, well-draining soil mix. Alternatively, you can skip the rooting hormone and place the cutting in a jar of water.
  7. For roses planted in soil, a plastic bag over the cutting helps keep it moist.
  8. Keep the soil moist and place the cutting in bright, indirect lighting.
  9. Roots should form in about 2 weeks. Remove the plastic.
  10. Once roots and new growth appear, you can begin hardening off the rose to plant it outdoors.

To propagate with chip budding, you need a sharp knife, a rootstock plant, a bud from your peace rose, and plastic wrap. Then follow these instructions:

  1. In the summer, have a rootstock rose and your peace rose within reach.
  2. Using the knife, cut into the bark on the rootstock rose to notch out a chip. Pull the knife downward to peel off a layer of bark. Remove the knife and make a second downward notch to remove the bark. The resulting lip and open notch will hold the chipped bud.
  3. From the peace rose bush, select a healthy bud located around the middle of the plant. Using the same method as step two, notch out the bud from the peace rose.
  4. Place the bud onto the notch of the rootstock rose. Using the plastic wrap, secure the bud in place. Be sure the bud itself sticks out of the plastic to allow for growth.
  5. Within a week or two, the bud should begin growing. The plastic can be removed at this point.

How to Grow Peace Rose From Seed

Peace roses can also be grown from seed. You will need the seeds, a plastic bag, wet paper towels, a pot with draining holes, well-draining soil, and grow lights or a sunny spot to place the planted seeds. Then follow these instructions:

  1. Wrap the seeds in a moist paper towel, then place them in the plastic bag. Keep these in the refrigerator for 10 to 12 weeks to allow the seeds to go through cold stratification.
  2. After this, remove the seeds and plant them about an inch deep in sandy, well-draining soil.
  3. Keep the soil moist and place the pots in a sunny, warm location. They should sprout in around 2 to 3 weeks.
  4. Once they sprout and are big enough to handle, gently transplant each seedling into its own container. You may need to use a spoon or knife to move the seedlings.
  5. Give these seedlings plenty of light and airflow, and keep the soil moist, but not wet.
  6. Give the seedlings a small amount of half-strength fertilizer to ensure they have enough nutrients to continue growing.

Potting and Repotting Peace Rose

Peace roses can also be kept in containers, as long as the container is large enough to accommodate the roots of the plant. Choose a large, deep pot for mature shrubs. Be sure the pot also has good drainage to allow for excess water to drain away.Potted roseswill need more water and more fertilizer than those planted in the ground, so keep close tabs on the soil and the growth of your rose.

Once the rose bush fills the container, it is time to repot. Gently tip the pot onto its side and tap it to loosen the roots. Using gloves and wearing a long sleeve shirt to protect against thorns, gently wiggle the rose bush out of the pot and plant it into a larger container. Position the rootstock at the same level as in the original pot. Fill the pot with fresh soil, making sure the roots are fully covered.


To help your rose survive cold winters, stop trimming spent blooms in the fall. This will allow the rose bush to go to seed and prevent it from creating new, tender growth. Once the first frost hits, cover the bottom of the shrub and the bud union with fresh soil to keep it insulated. Perform any necessary pruning. In the spring, when temperatures begin to warm, remove the added soil to expose the trunk of the bush.

How to Get Peace Rose to Bloom

Peace roses produce large, double blooms known for their soft yellow and pink coloring. These blooms begin to appear in spring and continue into late fall. They give off a light, sweet, floral scent.

To encourage blooming, continue to deadhead throughout the growing season. Be sure the plant receives plenty of sunlight and feed with rose fertilizer regularly.

Common Problems With Peace Rose

Although peace roses are a hardy rose variety, they can still run into trouble, primarily with blooming or yellowing foliage.

No Blooms

A rose bush that does not bloom is a common problem, most often caused by not enough nutrients or sunshine. Evaluate how much of both of these key factors your bush is getting and adjust accordingly. Because peace rose blooms from spring to fall, it may need multiple applications of fertilizer throughout the growing season.

Yellowing Leaves

Yellowing leaves can be a sign of overwatering, under-fertilizing, or disease. Check your soil’s moisture. If it is soggy, hold off watering until the soil begins to dry. Loosen the soil or add well-draining material, such as sand. If too much fertilizer is the culprit, thoroughly water the soil to wash it away. If there is a large buildup of fertilizer, you may need to replace the soil. If the yellowing leaves also present dark spots or fungal growths, disease is the cause. Remove the infected leaves and apply a fungicide.


  • Are peace roses easy to care for?

    As a hardy rose variety, peace roses are relatively easy to grow. This makes them a popular garden rose. If you choose a spot with enough sunshine and provide them the right soil conditions, they tend to thrive with minimal effort.

  • Is peace rose fragrant?

    Yes, peace roses are fragrant flowers. They produce a sweet, floral scent that is enjoyed by many.

  • How big do peace roses get?

    Peace roses can reach 5 to 6 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide when fully mature. Each bloom can be up to 6 inches wide, making them a showy, eye-catching shrub.

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  1. Hall of fame. (2022, May 10). WORLD FEDERATION OF ROSE SOCIETIES.

Peace Rose: Plant Care & Growing Guide (2024)
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